Data was not able to be completely exported with export command

Hi all,
I am using tigergraph 3.0.5. After doing export with the EXPORT command from gsql, i got this error below:
Exporting Data
error_: unexpected error Negative integer can not be converted to unsigned integer
Data was not able to be completely exported

below the command:

GSQL > EXPORT GRAPH ALL -S -D TO “/home/tigergraph/export_directory”
Exporting Data
error_: unexpected error Negative integer can not be converted to unsigned integer
Data was not able to be completely exported

Impossible to export data.

Any idea about this issue ?

Best regards,

I believe you hit a bug. If you have a global vertex type, which has not been used in any graph, you will encounter this bug.

Workaround: drop that unused global vertex type(s) using schema change job. then you can export.

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