How to pattern match edges in reverse?

The following query works for me:

CREATE QUERY test(Vertex seed) FOR GRAPH abc SYNTAX v2 {
      Frontier (ANY) = {seed};

     Frontier =  SELECT v FROM Frontier:u-((_|_>):e)-ANY:v WHERE true;
     print Frontier;

However, this query, with the directionality reversed, does not:

CREATE QUERY test(Vertex seed) FOR GRAPH abc SYNTAX v2 {
      Frontier (ANY) = {seed};

     Frontier =  SELECT v FROM Frontier:u-((_|<_):e)-ANY:v WHERE true;
     print Frontier;

I get the following error:

line 30:12 extraneous input ‘.*’ expecting ‘}’
Parsing encountered 1 syntax error(s)

The query test cannot be added!

How should I get this to work?


Hello Daniel.

I can help look into this issue. Before we start, which version of the TigerGraph product are you using?


running version 2.5.3

Adil responded on the google groups:

It turns out there is a bug .

Until it is patched, please replace ANY with an underscore (_) on the target. That should fix it.