Semicolon needed when? better err msgs from pyTigerGraph?

Sorry for these couple of noob questions… Google didn’t turn up anything for me…


I’m used to semicolons being optional in SQL. I usually tack them on anyway having programmed in C/C++. Apparently, Microsoft documentation says that a semicolon will be required in future versions of SQL Server. To preserve my sanity, I’d like to keep my SQL-like programming as similar as possible.

So, I’m surprised to see that in TG, this is forbidden:

 SELECT * FROM person limit 3;   // SEMICOLON
Encountered " ";" "; "" at line 1, column 29.
Was expecting:

This works:

 SELECT * FROM person limit 3 // NO SEMICOLON

When I tried the same query in pyTigerGraph (python library), I got the obscure error (for which Google returned no results!): ExceptionCodeRet: 211. Is there a way to get better diagnostic info from pyTigerGraph?

query = """
USE GRAPH social
print(graph.gsql(query, options=[]))

ExceptionCodeRet                          Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-223-30fbb5ef9795> in <module>
      3 SELECT * FROM person limit 3;
      4 """
----> 5 print(graph.gsql(query, options=[]))

~/3.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyTigerGraph/ in gsql(self, query, options)
   1615                     return  res
   1616             else:
-> 1617                 res =  self.Client.run_multiple(query.split("\n"))
   1618                 if type(res) == type([]):
   1619                     return "\n".join(res)

~/3.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyTigerDriver/ in run_multiple(self, lines)
    440     def run_multiple(self, lines):
--> 441         return self._command_interactive(self.file_url, "\n".join(lines))
    443     def version(self):

~/3.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyTigerDriver/ in _command_interactive(self, url, content, ans, out)
    364             return res
--> 366         return self._request(url, content, __handle__interactive)
    368     def login(self,commit_try="",version_try=""):

~/3.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyTigerDriver/ in _request(self, url, content, handler, cookie, auth)
    318             if handler:
    319                 reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(response)
--> 320                 return handler(reader)
    321             else:
    322                 return"utf-8")

~/3.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyTigerDriver/ in __handle__interactive(reader)
    340                     ret = int(ret)
    341                     if ret != 0:
--> 342                         raise ExceptionCodeRet(ret)
    343                 elif line.startswith(PREFIX_INTERACT):
    344                     _, it, ik = line.split(",", 2)

ExceptionCodeRet: 211

`tg.__version__   => ''`

Thanks in advance.
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Part B is really a problem with pyTigerGraph, so I filed a github issue

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@clemwang Thanks a lot for the detailed Issue report on Github , the GSQL errors reported by pyTigerGraph are based on TG error codes ( 2xx … ) we’re working on the error handling .
We will issue a new version by 8th of May 2021 containing a better exception handling .

I found the GSQL error code definitions

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